Welcome to Health Consultations!

I am a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, trained at Duke Integrative Medicine.

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What is a Health Consultation?

Talk face-to-face with an experienced, National Board Certified health and wellness coach — one trained to work with your other healthcare providers, and support you fully.

I personally lost my health in my 20s — and spent nearly a decade trying to put the pieces back together. Now, nearing 40, I’m passionate about your health, your goals, and your dreams — as well as helping you get there! I also want you to have peace, stability, and momentum along the way.

Calls are fun and to the point. I care about your vision for improved health.

Why Do I Offer Health Consultations?

Ultimately, I’m passionate about doing what I love: Helping others find their unique path toward better health.

I know what it’s like to not feel like my needs are being met at the doctor’s office, but alternative recommendations are also vague, extreme, or untrustworthy. I don’t feel like anyone should feel lost or confused about their health.

I want to be able to help you plan — and take action — to create the momentum you’re seeking. No matter where you are in the world, I believe your best days still lie ahead.

What Topics Do Health Consultations Cover?

We’ll discuss any topics related to your health!

From your diet, to sleep habits, to your healthy environment, exercise and movement, digestive (gut) health, nutritional supplements, interpersonal relationships, and the mindset required to heal — if it makes a difference to your health, it’s an opportunity to grow and make progress.

I’m especially interested in avoiding the mistakes commonly made while following typical (and extreme) health advice. We’re all making them! Removing those speedbumps can be the difference in righting the ship, or not. Replacing the mistakes with smart, helpful habits can take us to our dreams and goals.

What’s the different between a Consultation and Health Coaching?

A Consultation is a one-off session. It’s very much like what we do in our Health Coaching sessions, but it is a stand-alone session.

On the other hand, Health Coaching (“Ongoing Guidance”) is a more intentional, ongoing relationship involving multiple sessions and more communication between our calls.

Do I have to become an Ongoing Guidance client to schedule a Consultation?

No! Consultations are open to all. My only goal is that you get the most out of your session: Your dreams, goals, and future matter that much.

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