*First Things, First.

1 — Blue Light
2 — Morning Light
3 — Meal Timing
4 — Sleep To Wake Time
5 — Macro Ratio
6 — Big Nutrients, First
7 — Your Environment
8 — Gut Health
9 — Daily Infrared
10 — Discussion

Four Characteristics Of All Disease States.

1 — Four Stressors Of Illness
2 — Stressors Cause Each Other
3 — Is Inflammation A Cause Of Illness?
4 — Inflammation Is A Response
5 — Mold
6 — EMF
7 — How Do We Improve?
8 — The Big Picture

Follow Along As I Improve My Energy & Health.

1 — Extra Emphasis
2 — Gut
3 — Light
4 — Sleep
5 — Food
6 — Thyroid
7 — Nutrient Balancing
8 — Mold

Hierarchy of Recovery

Visualize the big picture of your health.

What’s most important? Where should you expend your energy?

1 — See The Big Picture
2 — Where Should You Begin?
3 — Health Hierarchy Pyramid
4 — Add Sustainable Steps
5 — The Foundation: The Mind
6 — The Complete Pyramid

*Explore Your Symptoms

Work from the root cause, from the inside — by building up your body’s source of energy.

Why would light matter for your sleep? How might exercise affect your digestion?

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