Big Picture Gut Nutrients Product Reviews

The Body is Electric

Every now and then, a product comes along that offers a chance to shift how you feel — through your entire body.

Every now and then, a product comes along that could potentially shift how you feel — across your entire body.

Let’s back up though.

First, consider this:

  • All animal bodies move and function via electricity.
  • We are no different. Every activity is performed electrically — breathing, moving your limbs, brain function, & immunity.

In other words, life functions using a currency of energy… of electricity.

And real, legitimate scientific research is now demonstrating something super unusual:

  • Touching the earth puts you in contact with small currents of electricity. Your body then does something with the energy it gains.

What happens in the body with that electricity? A lot.

Multi-disciplinary research has revealed that electrically conductive contact of the human body with the surface of the Earth (grounding or earthing) produces intriguing effects on physiology and health. Such effects relate to inflammation, immune responses, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

In layman’s terms: touching the Earth provides electricity to the body — which then impacts system-wide bodily functions:

  • inflammation
  • wound healing
  • prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases
  • improve sleep
  • normalize the day–night cortisol rhythm
  • reduce pain
  • reduce stress
  • shift the autonomic nervous system from sympathetic toward parasympathetic activation
  • increase heart rate variability
  • speed wound healing
  • reduce blood viscosity

A summary of these health impacts has been published in the
Journal of Environmental and Public Health.

How could touching the Earth impact health so much?

Our main hypothesis is that
connecting the body to the Earth
enables free electrons
from the Earth’s surface
to spread over and into the body…

What are free electrons? To oversimplify, they are what electricity is made of.

“The continuous flow of electrons in an electric circuit is called an electric current.” (source)

Image courtesy of:

Free electrons (electricity) can do a lot in the body. Consider one major role:

  • Free electrons are antioxidant

How is electricity anti-oxidant?

Consider what happens when an object — say a wrench, or chain — is oxidized.

Outdoors, metal oxidizes — mostly due to oxygen and moisture. This oxidation is what happens when metals rust.

This rust — or oxidization — means the surface of the object is losing its electrons.

Oxidation = to remove electrons.

Instead of removing, free electrons (from the Earth) add electrons.

So, providing your body with extra (free) electrons quite substantially counteracts all the oxidative stress in your body.

This is why anti-oxidants are so lauded these days. As we age and suffer poor health, our bodies become unbalanced, with high oxidative stress — not a healthy state. Antioxidants help us detox, and protect our tissues and volatile nutrients from oxidation.

And as research is showing, free electrons — from the earth — can help the body in ways that dietary antioxidants cannot.

But wait, there’s more — regarding the food we eat.

Our metabolism — how we generate energy from food — is a very specific type of metabolism. Care to guess which type?

That’s right — oxidative metabolism.

What does that mean? It means the body uses oxygen (when we breathe in) to literally steal electrons from food, so we can use it as our body’s energy. (Cellular respiration is another term for this).

We oxidize food — just like that rusty chain left outside — to get electricity.

Thus, all energy from food comes via electricity.

Yes — the energy that powers your brain, fights off pathogenic invaders, pumps your heart, moves your limbs, opens your mouth and eyelids — it’s all electricity taken from food.

…energy from food and, perhaps, from the Earth.

Or, it used to be.

Humans used to touch the Earth constantly.

Throughout history, we walked barefoot more, constantly absorbing small amounts of electricity from the ground.

Shoes had leather soles — which conduct electricity when moist. People often slept directly on the ground at night, on wool blankets that are conductive when moist.

Round the clock, this intimate contact with the Earth provided us free energy, helping us be more healthy, less inflammed, and more energized — to fight diseases better, to sleep more deeply.

It’s plausible to suggest that historic humans were supplementing free electrons nearly all day.

Ancient humans were never far from the earth’s electrical supply.

As a result of less inflammation, deeper sleep, and more efficient metabolism, it’s likely they were able to maintain energetic homeostasis with slightly lower food requirements .

Nowadays, we almost never touch the earth — and subsequently, never receive any electricity from it.

That is, unless, we dip in the ocean, or walk barefoot on the beach or in the grass. That’s when we get electricity from the earth.

Q: How is the body so electrically conductive?

Great question! Here’s how:

  • The body is made of semiconductive tissues.

Collagen and other structural proteins are semiconductors.

Water plays crucial roles in enzymatic activities and semi-conduction

Hydrated proteins actually are semiconductors, and have become important components in the global microelectronics industry.

In recent studies, given awards by the Materials Research Society in both Europe and the USA, scientists from Israel made flexible biodegradable semiconductor systems using proteins from human blood, milk, and mucus.

Yes! Your entire body is made of water, minerals (electrolytes), hydrated proteins, and collagen. Your entire body is made of semi-conductors!

You are incredible — and electrical.

More evidence that you’re a walking, semi-conducting battery.

Check out five fascinating facts about how our electrical body works:

Fact #1

  • The whole body has a semiconductor network

Moreover, research in cell biology and biophysics reveals the human body is equipped with a system-wide collagenous, liquid–crystalline semiconductor network known as the living matrix,31 or in other terms, a ground regulation system32,33 or tissue tensegrity matrix system (Figure 11).34
It’s known as “the living matrix.”

Fact #2

  • This network delivers electricity to the whole body
  • This electricity protects the body from stress and injury

This body-wide network can deliver mobile electrons to any part of the body and thereby routinely protect all cells, tissues, and organs from oxidative stress or in the event of injury.23,31
A body without electricity cannot function.

Fact #3

  • Free electrons are able to arrive inside cells

The living matrix includes the extracellular and connective tissue matrices as well as the cytoskeletons of all cells.31 Integrins at cell surfaces are thought to allow for semi-conduction of electrons to the cell interior, and links across the nuclear envelope enable the nuclear matrix and genetic material to be part of the circuitry
Cells need energy for biological activity.

Fact #4

  • Connective tissues are particularly conductive and behave like batteries

Ground substance polyelectrolyte molecules associated with the collagenous connective tissue matrix are charge reservoirs (Figure 12).
  • “Ground substance” is simply gelatinous material in connective tissue
  • “Charge reservoirs” are essentially batteries, where electrical charge can be stored for later use
All bodies are like walking batteries.

Fact #5

  • A “redox system” serves the entire body — a system which oxidizes (steals electrons) for energy, and transports that energy around the body, as needed

The matrix is therefore a vast whole-body redox system.
All bodies oxidize — steal electrons — for energy.

Your body has as much electricity as an entire thunderstorm.

Bill Bryson, A Short History of Everything

What are the full benefits of touching the Earth?

In the past decade, the benefits of touching the earth have become clearly evident in published research.

Free electrons promote “intriguing” physiological changes & well-being.

Reconnection with the Earth’s electrons has been found to promote intriguing physiological changes and subjective reports of well-being.
There’s a “surprisingly positive” effect on health.

Emerging scientific research has revealed a surprisingly positive and overlooked environmental factor on health: direct physical contact with the vast supply of electrons on the surface of the Earth. Modern lifestyle separates humans from such contact. The research suggests that this disconnect may be a major contributor to physiological dysfunction and unwellness.
The worst and most prevalent disease — and aging itself — is linked to chronic inflammation and oxidative stress, something free electrons can directly address.

Modern biomedicine has discovered that many of the most debilitating diseases, as well as the aging process itself, are caused by or associated with chronic inflammation and oxidative stress.
Free electrons — rapidly — calm our inflammation, in ways that dietary antioxidants and standard medical care perhaps cannot.

Electrons from the Earth quickly attenuate chronic inflammation not resolved by dietary antioxidants or by standard medical care, including physical therapy (Figure 3).
Free electrons significantly alter the inflammatory response — even resulting in faster wound healing.

Taken together, these observations indicate that grounding or earthing the human body significantly alters the inflammatory response to an injury.
Free electrons reduce pain.

Grounding reduces pain and alters the numbers of circulating neutrophils and lymphocytes, and also affects various circulating chemical factors related to inflammation.
feet sand
Free electrons treat both symptoms of inflammation, including swelling, pain, and loss of function.

Grounding reduces or even prevents the cardinal signs of inflammation following injury: redness, heat, swelling, pain, and loss of function (Figures 1 and ​and2). Rapid resolution of painful chronic inflammation was confirmed in 20 case studies using medical infrared imaging (Figure 3).2,3
walk barefoot
Chronic inflammation prevents healing — but free electrons can restore it.

“Classical textbook descriptions also refer to an “inflammatory barricade” that isolates injured tissues to hinder the movement of pathogens and debris from the damaged region into adjacent, healthy tissues.

…This barrier also hinders the movements of antioxidants and regenerative cells into the blocked-off area.

Repair can be incomplete, and this incomplete repair can set up a vicious inflammatory cycle that can persist for a long period of time, leading to so-called silent or smoldering inflammation that in turn, over time, can promote the development of chronic disease.”

All of these benefits — along with those mentioned at the beginning of this article — point to a dramatic potential impact on the body.

Clearly, free electrons from the earth promote health, well-being, cognitive improvement, deeper sleep, better digestion, stronger immunity, more energy, and even improved mood.

So how do we take full advantage of these findings?

How to touch the Earth

and reap the health benefits most optimally

The following recommendations are designed to achieve maximum results — effects that we can notice and feel.

Truly beneficial habits produce excellent results and don’t have to be abandoned later — because we can observe the improvements.

First, let’s identify the best locations for free electrons:

  • Grass (especially wet grass)
  • Bare dirt or sand (especially moist)
  • Concrete (especially wet concrete)
  • Bodies of water, rivers, & streams

Notice a trend there? Moisture — water — enables electrical flow.

There are two other important variables that matter for optimal results.

  • #1 — Time spent touching the Earth
  • #2 — Amount of skin surface area
Variable #1

Time Spent

touching the Earth

The electricity in the earth is definitely there, but it’s gentle. It won’t electrocute you, and it won’t shock you, either.

So, while it’s true that there is a “vast supply of electrons on the surface of the Earth” (source) the amount of electricity we can be exposed to in the earth is still relatively low.

Which means that “earthing” takes time — lots of it — spent in contact with the ground to receive these free electrons, and to charge up the human body. Some studies suggest two hours is needed.

Consider the hours spent in nature by prehistoric humans, nearly always in contact with the planet. Our bodies are similar to theirs, and benefit from being connected to this electrical source virtually around the clock.

If we didn’t have technological advances (which we’ll explore below), it would seem logical, then, that we should spend hours per day outside, in nature, touching the ground — certainly not mere minutes.

After all, this is what humans historically benefitted from, constant contact with the Earth.

Remember, though, we’re shooting for substantial health benefits. Without technology, hours spent outside and touching the ground is the best answer.

Now, let’s look at the other important variable:

  • #2 — Amount of skin surface area
Variable #2

Amount of

Skin Surface Area

touching the Earth

Your skin is quite conductive, but in order to maximize electrical flow, we need to maximize surface area between Earth and your body.

This is for two big reasons:

  • Skin can only (comfortably) allow a certain amount of electricity at a time in a small area
  • There’s only so much electrical current available in one small area of Earth

The more skin is touching the earth, the more free electrons can flow into your body.

For example, when we walk barefoot in the grass, only the bottoms of the feet receive electrons.

  • But if you sit or lay down, more skin can be exposed to the ground. In fact, the entire length of your legs and arms could be in contact with the Earth while sitting — much more surface area.

So, what’s better? Sitting & laying down beats walking — for free electrons. Of course walking is restorative movement, and that’s a major benefit.

But here’s where things get interesting. We’ve been discussing our body posture on dry land. Let’s think about something else: water.

Consider how superior water is as a conductor (particularly when it includes minerals as electrolytes, as it does in nature).

In bodies of water (lakes, rivers, streams) are easily the best locations to ground. These are the most conductive places on the planet.

Actual water is superior for both the bottoms of our feet, alone, but also because they represent an opportunity to submerge more of the body — which drastically exposes more skin to free electrons.

My personal experience indicates that submersion in water is perhaps 10X (or higher) more effective at supplying free electrons than standing on the ground.

Submersion Speeds Up the Process

I’ve found that noticeable positive effects can be achieved in water in much less time, compared to standing on the ground — perhaps 15-30 minutes instead of 2-3 hours.

The Best Methods

to benefit from free electrons

Let’s explore the best ways to receive free electrons — into the body.

Here’s what researchers suggest as a place to start:

Earthing is as simple as routinely walking barefoot outdoors and/or using inexpensive grounding systems indoors while sleeping or sitting, practices that restore a lost and needed electric connection with the Earth.

What an easy start!

  • Routinely walk barefoot outdoors
  • Use inexpensive grounding systems while indoors

While that is a really good start, but let’s think even bigger. Let’s be interested in clear-cut, superior methods — both the best natural method and what new technology is offering.

Let’s check out three superior options to receive free electrons. If you’re interested in Earthing, these are the best ways to do it.

Option #1

Submersion in Water

This is, hands-down, the best method for receiving free electrons.

In a body of water, virtually the entire body is in contact with electron-abundant water — meaning the entire surface area of your skin becomes a pathway for electricity to enter the body.

Even if you’re only dipping your feet — or your lower legs — in the water, this is still a fantastic source of free electrons, and will always be superior to simple bare feet on the ground.

I have found a therapeutic dose to be much shorter in water — as little as 15 minutes — but, the longer the better. Spending hours in the water is powerful, powerful stuff.

The ocean, pristine lakes and rivers, and streams are all fantastic natural sources of water for free electrons.

Pools, especially those with concrete construction, are also excellent sources of free electrons.

Your only requirement to get started, here, is a body of water nearby. If you can regularly, it’s absolutely, hands-down worth doing.

Consider 1-2 sessions per day, at 30+ minutes per session.

Option #2


Medical Device

Every now and then, a product comes along that offers a chance to shift how you feel — through your entire body.

That product is the Revitive.

A souped-up TENS unit — with large electrode foot pads — the Revitive is capable of delivering impressive quantities of free electrons to your body.

Best of all, it feels really, really good while using it.

Electrical pulses stimulate the muscles and tendons in your feet and calves to move and flex, providing an automatic, gentle workout in your feet, ankles and lower legs. This is also great for circulation and muscle/tendon strength.

But the primary benefit, in my mind, is the free electrons — and this device delivers them in droves to the entire body.

I feel a difference even in my cognition after regular use, as well as energy levels, and fluid balance around the body. Inflammation generally feels lower after use.

This device requires virtually zero effort to use — simply rest your feet on it while you:

  • work at your desk
  • relax on the couch
  • watch TV
  • read a book
  • eat meals
  • chat with friends or relatives
  • before bed

It’s been two years since moving away from regular, daily access to a pool for my grounding. Getting the Revitive has been a complete game-changer for me, and my opinion of it is this:

It is virtually as good as spending hours in a pool each day.

What makes the Revitive so effective? Two things:

  • the amount of electricity the device delivers
  • the size of the electrodes

The Revitive provides much more electricity (free electrons) than the Earth provides.

The Earth’s electricity isn’t readily noticeable, and it certainly isn’t enough to make muscles contract. The Revitive is and does — you can feel it (it feels really, really good), and it readily makes muscles contract, enough to increase their strength.

The Revitive also has large electrode pads — they will touch the entire bottom of your feet. By comparison, TENS units (which provide similar amounts of electricity) use pads that are typically only 1-2 inches in size. Your feet are much bigger than that, and therefore, can absorb much more electricity over their surface area — and send many more free electrons into your body.

Comparing the Revitive to the Earth (or a TENS unit)?

On one hand, a TENS unit delivers high amounts of free electrons, but is somewhat limited by the amount it can deliver via small electrode pads.

On the other, the Earth delivers much lower amounts of electrons — which is why scientists recommend 2+ hours per day (or my recommendation to submerse in water) to be powerful and effective for your health.

By contrast, the Revitive can both deliver high amounts of free electrons, while also utilizing a much larger electrode pad than a TENS unit. Two or three (30 min) sessions per day can be similar to spending 30+ minutes in a pool or body of water, in terms of the free electrons provided to the body.

How to Use the Revitive

Revitive recommends up to six 30-minute sessions per day.

For maximum effect, I suggest a minimum of 2-3 sessions (60-90 minutes) daily — though more is certainly even better.

I believe this minimum threshold of 60-90 minutes daily (2-3 sessions) can be surprisingly achievable — it requires no effort, only sitting. You can do anything else while you sit and receive free electrons.

You can also walk away from the Revitive — the device will pause until you return.

Further, Revitive is extremely logical for anyone who is not able to be very active due to health challenges.

Purchase Revitive on Amazon (link) or on (link).

Option #3

Sleeping while Grounded

This is an excellent option if you can figure out how to make it work for your bedroom.

Remember, the Earth’s free electron supply is quite low. It takes hours of exposure to it — daily — for noticeable effects to occur.

This is why sleeping while grounded is such a fantastic way to touch the earth. You can easily achieve 7-9 hours of grounding occur — without much effort.

Many “grounding” systems exist, for purchase, to help you ground while you sleep. Real research (source, source) supports this as beneficial.

This very simple DIY system involves three components:

  • A conductive sheet — laid under your bedsheets
  • An connector cable — that connects this sheet to a “ground” source
  • A ground source — that is touching the Earth

The conductive/grounding sheet can be purchased here: here. You’ll want to use the HertzCloth™ option.

The connector cable can be purchased here: here. You’ll want to use the “Plug to clamp” item if connecting to your electrical 3-prong outlet, or the “Gator to clamp” item if connecting to a stake outside a window.

The ground source needs to be either 1) the ground wire in your 3-prong electrical system, (purchased here: item #A295-4 or item #A295-12), or 2) a stake driven into the ground outside a window.

GRD was shown to result in faster recovery and/or less pronounced markers of muscle damage and inflammation.

Sleeping while grounded: three drawbacks:

First, the Hertzcloth — like all conductive fabrics — are delicate and must be washed by hand, with natural soaps (no detergents), and promptly removed from water to open air dry. This conductive fabric will likely need to be replaced every 18-24 months, if only for sanitary reasons — they cannot be washed normally.

Second, the system is a bit convoluted. It involves a grounding sheet under your normal sheets, so making the bed has an extra step: making sure the grounding sheet is situated. There will also be a wire going from under the bed sheet to either an electrical outlet or out a window (to a stake in the ground). For some people this will be fun, for others it will be worth the trouble, and for others it will look and feel like a mess.

Third, there is a strong argument that grounding like this is not advisable in areas of high EMF. Some areas, especially large cities or close to major power grid stations, have high-powered EMF fields in the ground (near power stations) or in the air (near cell towers). It is debatable whether grounding in these locations is actually helpful; some argue it could be harmful.

All that said, if you can manage this system — it can be highly worthwhile. The steady supply of electrons all night can be a powerful force for healing, energy, sleep, and inflammation-busting. I personally noticed extensive dreaming in my first nights sleeping on a grounded bed.

Touching the Earth & free electrons

Final Thoughts

Receiving electrons directly from the Earth — or from a device like the Revitive — has the potentialy to level-up your journey toward health.

Of course, the business of harvesting free electrons is, mostly, a daily routine — whether being outside with the Earth, or using a Revitive. This routine also will require time spent each day for maximum effect.

Of course, I will always insist that even five minutes of exposure to free electrons is better than nothing. Certainly!

Yet, when done with wisdom — to maximize effectiveness — significant benefits are real and verifiable by research, and anecdotally.

There are other ways to receive free electrons, too — truly fresh air, and water, for instance. We’ll share those methods soon; some of them are perhaps as powerful as intense Earthing.

What happens when the body doesn’t have enough electrons?

A lot happens biologically in an electron deficit!

In fact, this is likely the end result of most diseases: a lack of energy supply — potentially created by pathogens, inflammation, poor sleep, nutrient deficiencies, and gut dysbiosis.

Of course, when the body’s energy supply is undermined, immunity suffers dramatically. This is likely why chronic fatigue, hypothyroidism, aging, and pathogenic activity are so interrelated.

A lack of electrons can also de-saturate the electron transport chains in mitochondria, leading to chronic fatigue and slowing the cellular migrations and other essential activities of the cells of the immune system

Consider, again, that the body steals electrons from food.

What if your gut health is compromised? Electrons cannot be efficiently harvested from the diet, but will instead feed pathogens in the gut (which then release endotoxin into the blood stream, causing chronic inflammation).

Oh, how the weakened body needs pure electricity — free electrons — without the price it pays when it attempts to digest food.

Enter a potential solution: free electrons from the Earth. They enter directly through your skin — you can supply the very energy your body works so hard to extract from food.

This energy the body can receive from the environment — capable of cooling inflammation, rapidly healing the body, boosting immunity, deepening sleep, and making us resilient — is available to you without the toxins and inflammation produced by a dysbiotic gut. Simply by Earthing.

And of course, a steady and strong supply of free electrons will improve the gut microbiome, too — improving gut health and all the biological and metabolic activity that depends on it.

The health implications of accessing the Earth’s free electrons are vast — and apply to the entire population.

For instance, cardiovascular health is of particular importance as we age — cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the US.

Unsurprisingly, free electrons have been shown to improve cardiovascular health, and could even reduce the need for blood thinners like Warfarin:

Grounding increases the surface charge on RBCs and thereby reduces blood viscosity and clumping. Grounding appears to be one of the simplest and yet most profound interventions for helping reduce cardiovascular risk and cardiovascular events.

My Experiences

I’ve done “hacks” such as grounding for nearly fifteen years. I’ve tried some pretty ridiculous ideas!

Many of them, especially when focused on diets and silver bullet theories, were largely fruitless. Unfortunately, some were harmful to my progress, and many distracted me — for much too long — from what matters for health.

Yet, I can unequivocally say that focusing on free electrons — especially when done wisely, to maximize their effect — has been one of the most impactful “hacks” I’ve ever done. Few things come close.

My only challenge with sharing this information has been that most people I speak and work with do not have access to nature and free time to pursue touching the Earth — at least not enough to change their lives. This is why I’m so excited to have the Revitive in my own arsenal; it opens the door to share these concepts with a population who will legitimately be able to act on this information.

For years, I’ve personally noticed tremendous improvements in inflammation, muscle strength and endurance, cognition (a major reduction in brain fog), deeper sleep, better digestion, and better vitality overall. These results were not achieved in mere minutes per day — free electrons don’t work that way.

Rather, it’s wise to recognize that 60-90+ minutes (or, two hours per day of Earthing, as the research suggests) is a reasonable threshold for the major, full-body improvements we seek — whether touching the Earth, submersing in bodies of water, or using a device like Revitive.

Down the road, I’m excited to share with you a few other methods I love for receiving free electrons. They, too, have been major boons to my health — propping me up when I lived in sick buildings, and hastening my recovery once in a healthy space.

My hope for you is that you can find the boost you need to hasten your progress — whatever your goals might be, whether they be improved gut health, cooling of chronic inflammation, deeper sleep, pain relief, or a clearing of brain fog.

I believe in you, and I know your body is strong. You can do things that will amaze you, by giving your body what it needs.

Interested in learning how to implement the Revitive device in your routine?
A few more pertinent studies:

Some 20 studies to date have reported intriguing evidence of wide and significant physiological improvements when the body is grounded vs. non-grounded.

Multi-disciplinary research has revealed that electrically conductive contact of the human body with the surface of the Earth (grounding or earthing) produces intriguing effects on physiology and health. Such effects relate to inflammation, immune responses, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

However, emerging scientific research has revealed a surprisingly positive and overlooked environmental factor on health: direct physical contact with the vast supply of electrons on the surface of the Earth. Modern lifestyle separates humans from such contact. The research suggests that this disconnect may be a major contributor to physiological dysfunction and unwellness. Reconnection with the Earth’s electrons has been found to promote intriguing physiological changes and subjective reports of well-being. Earthing (or grounding) refers to the discovery of benefits—including better sleep and reduced pain—from walking barefoot outside or sitting, working, or sleeping indoors connected to conductive systems that transfer the Earth’s electrons from the ground into the body.

This body of research has demonstrated the potential of grounding to be a simple, natural, and accessible clinical strategy against the global epidemic of noncommunicable, degenerative, inflammatory-related diseases.


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